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About Us

The mission of Forgotten Families Finding Freedom is to serve and honor our military and veterans and their families that are experiencing financial and emotional hardship related to military service, with a strong focus on families impacted by military toxic exposure and post traumatic stress disorder.   Forgotten Families endeavors to make good on the VA motto, which was established in 1957 and is prominently displayed at the entrance of the Washington DC veterans administration headquarters.  This VA motto is  “to care for those who have borne the battle, for his/her widow and orphan.”   Despite this promise, hundreds of thousands of veterans and their families are living in poverty-related to their military service and not receiving adequate help. One of the main goals of Forgotten Families is to provide and information and education and information in regard to toxic military exposure to both healthcare facilities outside of the VA system and the Greater Philadelphia community.  Forgotten Families will also provide free educational programs and mental health screenings for military Families in Greater Philadelphia schools, hospitals and social services organizations.  


    Additionally, Forgotten Families Finding Freedom secondary goal will focus on providing information, education and referrals services regarding for post-traumatic stress disorder. Currently, there is a huge gap in services in conjunction with a large unmet need for mental health screenings and educational programs for military Families.  Due to an overextended VA healthcare system, many military families lack access to the services.  Although the government provides active-duty Families with an online-based assessment screening tool, in-person screening and education services are needed for veterans who have separated from service. Waiting lists for these mental health screenings are long and access to services and is complex and further complicated by the stigma associated with  PTSD And othetr mental health disorders.


    Military toxic exposure is in under-researched epidemic that impacts millions of veterans and their Families from a variety of war eras.  It is estimated that over 10,000 children and grandchildren in Vietnam veterans are suffering with cancers, neural tube defects, and other disabling autoimmune and cardiac diseases. The vast majority of these individuals live in poverty as a direct result of their parents’ military service and subsequent Agent Orange disabilities and thousands have already died. The VA possesses boatloads of data in regard to Agent Orange that is just waiting to be mined and analyzed. Forgot for Families will advocate for these Families at the Congressional level and provide military Families with information and education regarding applying for benefits. For example, the VA recognizes 19 medical conditions in the children of Vietnam veterans but many veterans do not even realize that their children are eligible for benefits.  Toxic military exposure is an issue that effects military from modern-day conflicts in Iraq and Afganagasitan.  Research indicates that many healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and physicians assistants that work outside of the VA system are not aware of basic facts in regard to toxic military exposure and could benefit from additional medical education in regard to military toxic exposure.  Additionally, is it abundantly clear that our government needs to research these issues and has responsibility to care for these disabled veterans and their children in many cases permanently incapacitated as a direct result of toxic exposure. Forgotten Families Families will provide innovative educational programs that will educate both healthcare providers and patients alike about medical conditions related to toxic exposure.


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